
发布时间:2024-06-01 12:34 发布:上海旅游网


作文 不少于120字



October 6 am, the day also Meng Meng-liang, I Qile Chuang, because today I have my mother and father to many people with three to play.

The empty streets, from time to time to train running across several people, Mercedes-Benz cars on the street, on both sides of the tree and a Yilue. After about an hour and a half, we had three to the countryside. An open door, Yingru eye is a beautiful picture of the village, rows of housing Cuoluoyouzhi, autumn wind waves passing fields, the rice heavy wind sway, as if Fanqi a golden wave, orchards, orange peg Head of the branch for a small beacon golden lanterns. Along the narrow path we take up, on both sides of the grass in the wind kept nodding his head, as in we welcome the arrival. In the dark green bushes, Tanchujiduo Jiao-yan of the small red flower, is "point-green leaves" along the path we have finally come on the hillside, where a small reservoir, water green green, like a calm lake Large mirror.

We look for a piece of open space, a good father-oven, the Health and played a fire, we come up with the children of chicken, shrimp and other food, with thin bamboo sticks string good meal prepared meal. Uncle were fishing the edge to the reservoir, Guoleyihui son, uncle to the shouting: "啦caught a fish, catch a fish!" I went to see and saw a fish in water kept Puteng With. Gently pull an uncle, pulled the fish on the line. Auntie scraping the scale, thin bamboo sticks with a string and placed in oven on broil, uncle and has to catch a dozen fish, we put it in oven on broil, Kao Hao added something delicious seasoning , Pubi waves aroma from our Chanxianyudi Rede, I could not help but try one of the, ah, really tasty, we vied with one another and robbed, Buyihuier, and dozens of fish we were eliminated.

What to do today, we really happy picnic! I would like to come back here later.


我们找了一块空地,爸爸支好烤炉,生起了火,我们小孩子拿出鸡、虾等食物,用竹签串好准备美餐一顿。叔叔们去水库边钓鱼了,过了一会儿,叔叔就大叫起来:“钓到一条鱼啦 ,钓到一条鱼啦!”我跑去一看,只见一条鱼在水面上不停地扑腾着。叔叔轻轻一拉,鱼儿就被拉了上来。阿姨把鱼鳞刮了,用竹签串了起来,放在烤炉上烤,叔叔又先后钓了十几条鱼,我们都把它放在烤炉上烤,烤好后加了些美味的调料,一阵阵香气扑鼻而来惹得我们馋涎欲滴,我忍不住尝了一口,啊,真鲜美,我们争先恐后地抢了起来,不一会儿,十几条鱼就被我们消灭了。

