
发布时间:2024-06-01 08:50 发布:上海旅游网



With the development of economic ,traveling is getting more popular than ever.As we know that every coin has two sides,traveling has its good side and bad effection.
Now let us talk aboout the good side of travel.First traveling is good for the economic,many countries are famous for traveling ,take an example of China,travel is the third importent part of GDP.Then to people ,travel is a main way enjoying our holiday ,and the population of traveling is increasing quickly in these years.More and more roads have been leaded for travel,so makes our traffic more convienient today .
After talking its good side ,let us thinking about the bad effection of traveling .I think the worst thing is that traveling has polluted our enviroment seriously.Many places of interest have been broke by the tourists.When people visit one place ,they always littering anywhere they like ,some of the mistakes can be corrected,but some can never be fogiven.
ok,that is all about this ,we should try our best to deal with traveling .
