【Urgent!急求!】Do you know the way how to exchange languages in SHA?如何在上海交换语言?

发布时间:2024-06-01 08:25 发布:上海旅游网


As we all know,Some Chinese can speak English well.Of course,Like most of shanghainese,I can also speak it,but I think it is not enough.
I heard that Spanish is one of the greatest languages besides English and Chinese in the world,so it really enkindle my enthusiasm of learning,maybe Arabic or other languages will be ok.
Now I am finding that some places where I can exchange languages or someone who can teach me other languages.And I can also teach him/she Chinese/Shanghai dialect/English as a reward.
Please feel free to contact me via my QQ account:787376429 or MSN account:zwj0511@hotmail.com.I am living in Shanghai now,hope we can teach/communicate face to face.It is better that “my teacher” can speak a little bit Chinese.Because maybe we will face some difficulties in communication by using the third language.
Regarding language exchange,if you do know some links or some websites that I can get some information,please also tell me.
Thx!Please give me your feedback asap.


长城假日酒店的酒廊咖啡吧常去去咯 粤园挺不错的 行政楼层更好咯 嘻嘻嘻~~~
呃~~ 莫非你就是传说中的……
不过对自己的外语不要太有信心 习得 了解?

French/Spanish/Italian/German...may be OK or may cause you headache, as for Arabic... Forget about it, it will be a nightmare!!
