
发布时间:2024-05-26 06:47 发布:上海旅游网





On a dark desert highway.行驶在昏黑的荒漠公路上.
cool wind in my hair.凉风吹过我的头发.
warm smell of colitas rising up through the air.温馨的大麻香在空气中升腾.(注意这里是什么香味:colitas并不是英文,而是拉丁语"cola"的复数形式,指的是"叶尖上最精华的部分",意指提纯过或高品质的大麻)

Up ahead in the distance I saw a shimmering light.抬头遥望远方, 我看到一丝微弱的灯光.
my head grew heavy my sight grew dim.我的头越来越沉,视线也变得模糊.(吸毒症状)
I had to stop for the night.我不得不停下来过夜.

there she stood in the doorway.她站在门那儿等候我.(毒品的诱惑)
I heard the mission bell.我听到远处教堂的钟声.(在堕落沉沦前的一声警钟)
and i was thinking 2 myself.我在心里暗自嘀咕.(一念警醒)
"this could b heaven or this could b hell".这里也许是天堂也可能是地狱.(毒品的天堂地狱)
then she lit up a candle.她点燃了蜡烛.(点燃大麻)
and she showed me the way.并给我引路.(引向幻境) (从这一句开始往下可理解为吸毒后的感觉)

there were voices down the corridor.(a hallway or passageway usu. having rooms opening for it),走廊深处传来阵阵说话声.
I thought i heard them say.我隐约听到他们在说……
Welcome to the Hotel California !欢迎来到加州旅馆!(毒品的诱惑)
such a lovely place!多么美丽的地方!
such a lovely face! 如许可爱的面容!(毒品让人感觉女人都很美丽亲切)
plenty of room at the hotel california !加州旅馆有大量的房间(随时满足所需)
any time of year you can find it here! 一年的任何时候 你都能在这找到你需要的.(毒品随时可以满足你)

her mind is tiffany-twisted,她的心为珠宝所扭曲.(吸食毒品后的放纵!)
she got the mercedes benz.她拥有豪华的奔驰车.(拥有的满足感!)
she got a lot of pretty,pretty boys that she calls friends.她有许多漂亮的男孩朋友
how they dance in the courtyard.他们在庭院里翩翩起舞
sweet summer sweat.甜蜜夏日,香汗淋漓
some dance to remember 有人翩翩为回忆
some dance to forget 有人起舞求忘却!(吸食毒品的目的!)
so i called up the captain:"please bring me my wine."于是我叫来领班.“请给我来些好酒.”
he said"we haven't had that spirit here since nineteen sixty nine."他说:“自从1969年起我们这


And still those voices are calling from far away.远处依然传来那些话语.(仍然可理解为心魔)
wake u up in the middle of the night.在半夜将你惊醒.(对这种放纵生活的惶恐)
just 2 hear them say-只听到他们在说……
they livin' it up at the hotel california.他们在加州旅馆尽情狂欢.
welcome to the hotel california
such a lovely place such a lovely face
what a nice surprise! 一切都美好得令人惊喜!
bring ur alibis.使你有了来到这里堕落的借口.(在明知犯错之后的自我安慰)

mirrors on the ceiling.天花板上镶嵌着的镜子.
the pink champagne on ice.粉红色的香槟浸着冰块.
and she said"we are all just prisoners here,of our own device"然而她却说:我们在这都是囚徒.
and in the master's chambers.在主人的卧房里.
they gathered for the feast.他们为欲望的盛宴而聚在一起.
they stabbed it with their steely knives.他们用钢刀斩斫.
But they just can't kill the beast 但是他们杀不死兽欲

Last thing I remember,I was Running for the door 我最后的记忆是冲向门边
I had to find the passage back 我要找回行囊
To the place I was before 回到我曾经的所在
'Relax,'said the knight man, 刀手说:“放轻松”
“We are programmed to receive. 我们准备接受
You can checkout any time you like, 你可以随时退房
but you can never leave!” 但你永远不能离开! (一旦沾染毒品,就永世不能脱身)




