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发布时间:2024-06-12 10:31 发布:上海旅游网


Say the word Tokyo and people will think of high technology Machines and high buildings. Tokyo is japan’s most populous city and excellent area.
In many ways, they have to do that rebuild the city an earthquake in 14923 and the air raids of second world war of most of what had been built hundreds of years earlier.
The Japanese had no choice to rebuild the city from zero.
Tourists ride an elevator to the top of Tokyo tower for watch all View of the city and to se Japan’s most famous natural wonder Fuji mountain. You can take a picture over there and buy some keepsake to your friends. A trip to Tokyo would not be complete without a stop in Shinjuku, an area has popular you have to know some cool thing there. Its shopping and entertainment. Its east end has two main roads and most side street of the young and popular things you can buy the most popular TV games just like WII and Nintendo or famous digital camera.
Tokyo in not just a city of modern buildings and cool gadgets. It is also a city with a more spiritual and cultural history. Japan’s former entertainment area Asakusa, is a short distance from the Tokyo. Asakusa’s famed Sensoji Temple has a 645 years history. The area is reminiscent of the streets of downtown Tokyo when is was a small town. One can enjoy both the ancient and modern in the city of Tokyo.


