上海高考口试 快速应答 急!!!

发布时间:2024-06-02 07:15 发布:上海旅游网


1.It's nice of you to show me around your school.
2.What about taking Bus No 104 to the Shanghai Railway Station?
3.I am sorry I have to leave now. I have to catch the last bus.
4.How did you enjoy the concert last night?
5.I wonder if I could use your mobile phone.
6.(Telephone rings) Hello, may I speak to Mr Smith?
7.I'm sorry that I forgot to bring the book here.
8.I'd love you to come to my birthday party.
9.Why not have another cup of tea?
10.You're busy. Is there anything I can do for you?
11.It's really hot today, isn't it?
12.What do you think of learning Japanese as a second language?
13.Don't forget to buy a hamburger for me.
14.Look, what on earth are you doing? The classroom is so messy.
15.I haven't finished my homework because I felt extremely tired last night.
16.What do you think of taking a summer English course in Britain?
17.How is your cousin? I haven't seen her for ages.
18.I don't know how to use this fax machine.
19.Can you tell me what time it is now?
20. regret that I quarreled with my roommate last night.


上海高考口试 快速应答 急!!!这个旅游问答期待您的解答,请登录账号或关注微信公众号回答这个问题。
