
发布时间:2024-05-29 10:24 发布:上海旅游网


In the temperate, nemoral deciduous forest zone, where Denmark is situated, forest stands subjected to nature-based management develop a varying number of canopy layers where trees of different species, ages and sizes grow in a fine-grained mixture.Standing and fallen dead trees and other coarse woody debris will be integral components of these structures (Emborg et al., 2000; Anon., 2002). Such structures and related management practices are generally assumed to be recreationally preferable to monocultural stands managed through clear-cuts.This is the case simply because of higher visual variety and because fewer trees are removed at the same time and thus the forest keeps a more natural appearance (Ribe, 1989; Hummel,1992; Lindhagen, 1996; Ribe, 2005). However, studies from across Europe indicate that the relationship between preferences and forest characteristics might no be that straightforward (see e.g., Jensen, 1999; Tyrv¨ainen et al., 2003).


