
发布时间:2024-06-06 09:57 发布:上海旅游网


2.5. Data collection
The questionnaire was posted to a test sample of 1100
persons on 4 June 2004. This number of respondents was in line with recommendations regarding distribution of central demographic variables like income, living area and gender (Anon., 2004). Moreover, it was regarded as sufficient for revealing significant effects and precise estimates of WTP
(Bateman et al., 2002). The test sample was generated as a simple randomised extraction from the Danish Civil Registration System, excluding persons younger than 18 and older than 75 years. The test sample’s representation of the population in general was checked by comparing it with population distributions
regarding age, gender, job, income, and geographical region.
After 2 weeks the first reminderwas sent out. After another 10 days the second and last reminder (including the questionnaire)was mailed to those who had not yet replied. Parallel to the mail survey an internet based questionnaire was offered to the respondents. Only 7% of the respondents replied on-line.
Studies from across Europe show that forests are among the most popular settings for outdoor recreation (e.g., FAO, 1988; Hummel, 1992; Lindhagen, 1996; Roovers et al., 2002).


