
发布时间:2024-06-06 11:40 发布:上海旅游网


Identification of cost factor
WTPfor changes of forest stand characteristicswas estimated by using a cost factor in the form of an increase in annual tax payment per household. Based on a review of CVM studies on recreation in Danish forests (Dubgaard, 1998; Bj?rner et al.,2000) the following cost levels were identified as coveringthe variation in WTP across these studies: 50 DKK, 100 DKK, 250 DKK, and 500 DKK (with 100 DKK equalling approximately D 13.5). Two significantly higher payment levels, 800 DKK and 1300 DKK, were added as international studies indicate that WTP found through CVM in general is significantly lower than WTP found in CE-studies (Boxall et al., 1996; Champ and Bishop, 2003; Garrod and Willis, 1999). The focus groups and the Internet pre-test indicated that the payment levels were well distributed and that 1300 DKK was a suitable “choke-price”. 2.4. Choice setup and questionnaire design Combining the six tax payment levels with the 27 combinations of forest characteristics would in a full factorial design result in a total of 162 different alternatives or 81 different choice
sets in which each combination of characteristics appears once and once only. Using an array of procedures and macros (see Kuhfeld, 2004), in which orthogonality, balancing of characteristics, and minimal overlap of the levels of each characteristic were considered, a fractional factorial design with 36 alternatives was developed, and paired into 18 choice sets. In order to reduce the cognitive burden placed on the respondents, as recommended by Carson et al. (1994), Adamowicz et al. (1998) and Bateman et al. (2002), the 18 choice sets were further divided into three separate blocks of six choice sets. Focus group test sand the pre-test confirmed that sequences of six choice sets were within the mental capability of most respondents and sufficient to reveal the structure of the respondents’ preferences. Correspondingly,each of the three blocks was applied to 1/3 of the questionnaires (366 copies).


