
发布时间:2024-06-06 14:38 发布:上海旅游网


2.1. Identification of stand characteristics
Forest characteristics were selected in order to meet two important requirements. Firstly, characteristics should be policyrelevant,i.e. be affected by the change from even-aged to nature-based forest management. Secondly, selected characteristics should be of major relevance to public preferences for forest recreation. From a wide range of forest characteristics,the characteristics mentioned above were identified to meet these criteria. Tests in focus groups (consisting of experts as well as laypersons) confirmed that the selected characteristics had substantial importance for preferences regarding the recreational values of forest stands. The tests also confirmed that jointly they described forest sceneries in a realistic and satisfactory manner.
Based on a review of descriptions of silvicultural systems and practices, each of the three characteristics was described at three easily distinguishable levels (Table 1). This resulted in a total of 27 different combinations.


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