旅游之我见 英文

发布时间:2024-06-01 12:18 发布:上海旅游网




Dear All,
We like travelling and quite enjoy sharing the amazing experience we have during the trip. But once we talk with a foreigner we may find it a bit difficult cos there are some attractions' translation we are not familiar with. So we can collect some attractions' tranlation, they could be helpful.

First of all, when we talk about "景点“ there are several ways to say it: Attractions/scenic spots/vistit spots/sightseeing field/tourist site.

Secondly, I would like to talk about "北京” this time. Here are some famous attractions in Beijing or you may say "Peking"

1. Great Wall, Passes and towers
2. Ming Dynasty
3. Badaling sections
4. Beijing's Hutong and Courtyard "Hutong" literally means a small street or a lane between two courtyards. A courtyard is like a square. Rooms are built along the four sides of the square.
5. Forbidden City imperial palace
6. Summer Palace (Yiheyuan)
7. Temple of Heaven
8. Tian'anmen Square (Gate of Heavenly Peace)
9. Ming Tombs
10. Yonghe Lamasery (Harmony and Peace Palace Lamasery)
11. Beihai Park
12. Old Summer Palace (Ruins of Yuanmingyuan)
