
发布时间:2024-06-01 14:29 发布:上海旅游网




1 May I ask if you have a reservation?

2 Please wait a moment, the car will be here shortly.

3 These are our rates.

4 I'm sorry, the rooms are full, there is only XXX room and XXX room left.


1.Do you have reservation, please?
2.The automobile(car) is coming, please wait a moment.
3.Here is the tariff(price list) of our hotel.
4.I feel sorry that all the rooms have been reserved except ***room and ***room.

1. Did you make a reservation?
2. The car is coming soon, please wait a moment.
3. Here are our rates.
4. Sorry, all the room are booked out except Room xxx and Room xxx.

1 Do you have reservations? > 2. Horsemen line, please wait a moment 3. This is our hotel rates 4. Embarrassed, the already fully booked, only ** ** Housing and Housing.
