求职网申中的open questions怎么回答啊?

发布时间:2024-06-01 11:18 发布:上海旅游网


1. Please state the reason for your application

2. Give an example of a project you have undertaken or an event you have organised. What goals did you set and how did you ensure you achieved them? Describe how your planning and organisation contributed to the success. What would you have done different?

3. Describe a time where you had to make an unpopular decision and get others to commit to it? What was the decision and what steps did you take to ‘sell’ your decision? What was the outcome?

4. Please describe your most recent experience of working with and/or leading a team. What was the project and your role? What objectives did you set and how did you ensure all the team members worked to achieve them?

5. Describe a time when you saw a problem differently than others. What was you solution and how did you arrive at it? What did this experience tell you about your ability to be innovative?


求职网申中的open questions怎么回答啊?这个旅游问答期待您的解答,请登录账号或关注微信公众号回答这个问题。
