
发布时间:2024-06-05 18:48 发布:上海旅游网




南方公园 is fuckin' awesome ~~~看了之后不得不佩服美国人的想象力和言论自由, 无聊沉闷的生活中看了南方公园犹如沙漠中看到水源,撇开SP辛辣尖酸的讽刺不说, 透露出的真理往往是一针见血的, 看了这么多部美剧, 居然觉得和南方公园相比,真是小巫见大巫~~当然里面的粗口和低级笑话也是让我津津乐道的,我很dirty吗? 生活需要这样的调味品, 这几天越来越想说Screw U, asswhole~~~感觉很爽很爽~~

There's a place called the rainforest; it truly sucks ass.
Let's knock it all down and get rid of it fast.
You say, "Save the rainforest," but what do you know?
You've never been to the rainforest before.
Getting Gay With Kids is here!
To tell you things you might not like to hear.
You only fight these causes 'cause caring sells.
All you activists can go fuck yourselves!

There's a place called the rainforest; it truly sucks ass.
Let's knock it all down and get rid of it fast.
You say, "Save the rainforest," but what do you know?
You've never been to the rainforest before.
Getting Gay With Kids is here!
To tell you things you might not like to hear.
You only fight these causes 'cause caring sells.
All you activists can go fuck yourselves!
