
发布时间:2024-06-11 16:40 发布:上海旅游网




电话:Hello, Is that***(要接的人)speaking? I am ***(你自己)from *** company,(你公司)。I'm responsible to collect you at the airport. Can you tell me your departure time and the roughly landing time of the flight? what's the flight number?
Thank you, I will see you there and wish you a good trip!

见面后: hello? How are you? I am ***, from *** company. I am here to pick you up. How's your trip? Our company is in the downtown area, about one hour drive from the airport. please get inside...

到了公司:结尾:I hope you will enjoy your stay here. See you later.

I will drive both of you to our company .


our company will send a car and ask me to pick up you two.
