
发布时间:2024-06-01 23:49 发布:上海旅游网



……Thanks for yur prompt reply. I will be in Shanghai on 19 Jun 2030hrs. I will be happy to meet my son's best Chinese friend. I plan to leave for Beijing by night train 22 Jun. While in Shanghai I plan to take day tours by bus. May I request you to suggest me good hotels Say around $ 30 after discounts etc The hotels should be so located that communication is easy from there. I have also heard of night SPAs in Shanghai where after the SPA you could sleep the night and leave the next morning. Please tell me how expensive are the night SPAs and what do they include under cover charge. I would also like to visit a good shopping Mall..not to buy of course. You could also guide me to places where I could buy clothes from like trousers, Tee shirts etc. From Beijing I plan to go to Xian and fly out of Shanghai on 28Jun. You could suggest me any other places of interest to go to.. I am not very particular about Beijing or Xian.
1. 英文的内容我明白,可我无法很好地翻译出来,为避免误解,还是原文摘录了;
2. 哪位朋友可以提供相关的住宿、游览信息?
3. 该外国有人是一位印度老人,年纪大约在55~60岁之间。



Tee shirts 不是什么三通衬衫,没有这种说法。


