求学习网 高中英语的

发布时间:2024-06-04 14:21 发布:上海旅游网


现在中学生边听音乐 边写作业成为普遍现象了
多数家长老师强烈反对~这一做法 你认为这种做发对还是错
说明理由~!!哎 这怎么写啊


Students nowadays listen to music while doing their homework all the time. It has become a common phenomenon. Most teachers and parents are against the act, but I don't think there is much problems with that.
First of all, I believe students do that because they don't have any other time to listen to music. All their days are filled with homework and tests, so they squeezed leasure in with the homework, to release some of the stress they had from the day's work, also to take their mind off the tenseness of their schoolwork and enjoy life for a moment.
Parents and teachers say it is not productive to listen to music while doing homework, and I do not disagree. But I must mention that there are people who concentrate better while listening to music. Some music takes away the stress the homework is causing the students. Besides, when everyone else talks about music, and the person who doesn't listen to it would have no idea what they are talking about and thus be excluded from the conversation. Because humans are social animals, they want to get included so it is forgavable that they would grab onto whatever time they have to keep up with the times.
I personally think there is nothing wrong with listening to music while doing homework, but of course the adults disagree. But the present is different from the past. The society nowadays need more than people who only knows how to do their homework. Don't parents and teachers want happy children and students?
