
发布时间:2024-06-04 08:23 发布:上海旅游网


注意是PS2 XBOX XBOX360,不是手机 NDS PSP



攻略没有找到, 只找到各版本的秘籍:


输入场合:Pause the game, and go into the options menu. This is called the Fortress of Solitude, enter the cheats anywhere in here.

输入步骤:Y, Right, Y, Right, Up, Left, Right, Y 效果:Infinite Metro Health.
输入步骤:Left, Y, Right, X, Down, Y, Up, Down, X, Y, X 效果:Unlock All Power-ups.
输入步骤:Left, Up, Right, Down, Y, X, Y, Up, Right, X 效果:Unlock All

XBOX 360 版

输入场合:Pause the game, and go into the options menu. This is called the Fortress of Solitude, enter the cheats anywhere in here.

输入步骤:Left, Y, Right, X, Down, Y, Up, Down, X, Y, X 效果:All Powerups
输入步骤:Left, up, Right, Down, Y, X, Y, Up, Right, X 效果:All Unlockables
输入步骤:Up Up Down Down Left Right Left Right Y X 效果:God Mode
输入步骤:Y right Y right, up, left, right, Y 效果:Infinite City Health

PS2 版

输入场合:Pause the game and enter these codes in the pause screen.

输入步骤:Up Right Down Right Up Left Down Right Up 效果:Freeroam as Bizarro
输入步骤:Circle, Right, Circle, Right Up, Left, Right, Circle. 效果:Infinite Metro Health.
输入步骤:Left, Circle, Right, Square, Down, Circle, Up, Down, Square, Circle, Square. 效果:Unlock All Power-ups.
输入步骤:Left, Up, Right, Down, Circle, Square, Circle, Up, Right, Square 效果:Unlock All Unlockables.

