
发布时间:2024-06-07 18:29 发布:上海旅游网



China's ancient architecture (1) the main palace complex of ancient buildings in China, including the Great Hall of Temple and two architectural forms.Temple, which for the palace, ritual and religious buildings are dedicated.Hall, known as Temple found in the Zhou Dynasty."Hall" character appeared earlier, the intent is relatively Interior, the Foreign Ministry before the open part of a building.Hall around orderly and safe, the room along with the Housing and hand.This architecture of a group called the Great Hall, refers to the emperor, the nobility, a doctor, a disability home construction."Temple" late word, the intent is starting from the rear high Maung; For the buildings that his tall body position significantly.Since the Han Dynasty, and Yashu Dizhai Hall generally refers to the main building, but palaces, Buddhist and Taoist Temples of minor construction may also said Hall.North Palace as a "thing" of Buddhist temples and the Forum, Zhaitang other.Temple and Hall can be divided into height, the body and the roof of the three basic components.Construction, which formed a roof terraces and the most obvious exterior features.Constraints due to the feudal hierarchy, in the form of Hall and Temple, have a different structure.Temple Hall and the difference in height practices emerged earlier : only be bands; Temple is not only a stage, the follower.Apart from the LMH, there is a tall table below as the base, linked by a long follower class levels.Temple general in his palace, temple, garden centers or other buildings on the main axis, multi-plane rectangular.a square, circular, the font and other workers.Temple space and often components of larger-scale, more meticulous and decoration practices.As a general court sites, Yamen, house, garden, the main architectural, planar forms, the relatively modest size.structural and decorative materials are relatively simple approach, which often show more local identity.(B) construction of a multi-storey building castles in ancient China.House and the cabinet will be different in the early days.House is re-housing is lower overhead cabinet, the bottom Gangs of architecture.Pavilion general planar near a square, two, sit in a cluster of buildings could occupy a position, if there is a temple to the main cabinet.独乐寺 Guanyinge is one example.House was much narrower and repair works and construction groups often live in a secondary position, such as lying outside the temple floor after floor of the Palace.car floor, the last one out at the construction cluster around booths or location.Later exchange of one word, without a clear distinction between ancient castles and use a variety of architectural styles.Rostrum in the Warring States Period 94.Han rostrum has reached three.Que Floor, City House, the longing of one more application forms are Han.Han emperor thrall Supernatural Arts, said that building castles GAO can be immortal.Buddhism came to China, the construction of the pagoda building is a large pavilion.Wooden Pagoda Yongning Temple in Luoyang Northern Wei high "four Shiyuzhang" Baili, be happy.Shanxi Florida counties should be built in the Liao Dynasty Palace Temple release Jiada 67.31 meters high, is the highest in China with ancient timber structure.Often can be far-sighted and with the building castles in the name of the resort, such as the Yellow Crane Tower, pouring so.Ancient Chinese pavilion mostly wooden structure, a framework for a variety of forms.Israel log phase staggered shape posed by high-rise buildings built Tseng Lan, a well-known;single layer construction will overlap constitute the entire building, weighing estate-type.Tang and Song dynasties, the additional layer between the platform layer, hidden layer and the formation of its canopy floor, Brief for external singled out as challenges to TaiwanSong forms such as sit.Floors between the same column from top to bottom, more complex structures handover.Castles in the framework of the Ming and Qing Dynasties, will continue as head of the floors log-phase materials, and Liang Fang pay for the framework as a whole,call links pole.In addition, there are other variations form the framework of the pavilion.(C) kiosks around the carport with the traditional Chinese architecture architectural point for people to stay, not just in relation to, for the ritual called the pavilion.seen in the late North."Booths" and refers to the ancient administrative body, and the general has set up kiosks in the form of boarding houses for stops,look to the concept of fractal victory, Yamaoka, in the water, the city, the bridge and gardening.Dedicated use kiosks, such as Tablet, connecting, slaughter kiosks Zhongting other.Planar kiosks, besides square, rectangular, circular, polygonal, there Crusaders, a chain, Plum, a fan of such forms.Pavilion roof and assemble a sharp Xieshan, Cone and other forms complexes.Zhongyan large booths can be built, or four plus Baoxia.Tomb, the Temple Pavilion, connecting done very solemn, like Ming Zhang Ling's Pavilion.The magnificent large booths can be done, such as the Beijing Jingshan million Chun-Ting.Elegant light small booths can be done, such as Hangzhou Santanyinyue triangular kiosks.Kiosks different forms of art can produce different results.Construction approach to the structure of wood, most of the booths, said the stone slabs useful.Cuanjianding more kiosks and conical roof.1.40 Cuanjianding have emerged during the Han dynasty, the Qing dynasty Objects 1.80 Cuanjianding and conical roof has been found.Song "to create a French" contained "Parvillion sharp struggle," is similar to the F - umbrella structure.This approach can be seen from the garden of the Qing Dynasty south.Ming dynasty, more than a pavilion using angle beam polyhedrosis logging and confiscated more kiosks sharp beam gradually layering effect.The basic structure is rectangular kiosks with the same housing construction
