
发布时间:2024-06-04 05:21 发布:上海旅游网


Assuming the role as Rood and Beverage Operations Manager of a prestigious Resort Hotel in Asia; prepare your assignment on the following:

1. “Customers who stay too long and who do not stay long enough. There are guests too demanding and guests who are too passive”. Describe how you would leverage on the above trends to attract more customers and create sustainability of your food service operation without losing performance or patience in the process.

2.“Innovations and creativity saved a fortune in Food and Beverage costs”. Illustrate on this point by using various methods or ideas to improve productivity and save costs in your food service operation.

3. The South Africa Tourism invites your hotel establishment to promote the unique culture and cuisine of South Africa for a week-long. Using elements of planning to explain how you would create the awareness to the public and to promote the event in your hotel’s main dining outlet. Provide a time-line of planning activities leading to the start of event.


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