高分悬赏!!!!上海学生英文报 初中基础版翻译

发布时间:2024-06-06 20:47 发布:上海旅游网


heaven on earth——West Lake


The Bill Gates Model: Giving Back

Bill Gates has just retired from Microsoft, the company he founded and the company that made him the richest man in the world. The 53-year-old millionaire has decided to spend the rest of his life giving back most of his money.
Some people may think this is unusual:“Hey, you spent all this time making money, why just give it away?”Well, Bill is just part of a long tradition in American life: the self-made man who becomes a philanthropist. The word“philanthropist”comes from the ancient Greek language and means: a lover of mankind.
It’s part of the American Dream*, to start from humble beginnings, like Bill Gates, and through hard work get very, very rich. Carnegie*, Rockefeller*, and Ford* are all famous names in America because they began with nothing and, after making great fortunes, established charitable foundations to help people and to help society. Their names are associated with scholarships and schools, libraries and art galleries.
Why did they do it? Well, it’s because they believed that all of us are connected. Carnegie said that giving back was important,“so that the ties of brotherhood may still bind together the rich and the poor in harmonious relationship.”
In today’s China, with a growing gap between rich and poor, the example of Bill Gates and other philanthropists is a good one to follow.
比尔盖茨刚刚从微软退休,他创办的公司,该公司使他最富有的人在世界上。 53岁的百万富翁已决定花费在余下的生命里回馈他的大部分资金。
有些人可能认为这是不寻常的: “嗨,你花这么长的时间赚钱,为什么只会给它呢? ”嗯,条例草案仅仅是一部分,具有悠久的传统,在美国的生活:自制的人谁当选慈善家。单词“慈善家”来自古希腊的语言和手段:一个热爱人类。
它的一部分,美国梦* ,开始从微薄的开端,像比尔盖茨,并通过艰苦的工作变得非常,非常丰富。 *卡内基,洛克菲勒* ,和福特*都是名牌在美国,因为他们没有开始之后,作出了巨大的财富,成立慈善基金会,以帮助人民,并帮助社会。他们的名字是与奖学金及学校,图书馆和艺术画廊。
他们为什么这样做?好吧,这是因为他们认为,我们所有人都连接。卡内基说,回馈社会是非常重要的, “这样的兄弟关系仍然可以在一起富国和穷国在和谐的关系。 ”

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