英语小作文 关于大学该不该当做特色景点对外开放 五六十字即可

发布时间:2024-06-01 17:21 发布:上海旅游网


十二点就要,只求英语帝帮忙写一点,有错别字也没事,只要有个大概的意思就行。我的英语太烂了。高分悬赏。 我写一点我自己的观点




Some universities open their scenic spots to the public. I believe this is inappropriated.

First, the goal of university is to provide excellent education while the opening will undoubtedly bring too many people to the campus which will lead to a misleading of university operation.

Second, the management of universities will be affected negatively. Especially in the prevalence of AH1N1, more attention should be paid to the outside visitors.

In sum, universities should focus on education instead of interests from outside.

题目:Whether Universities Should Be Open to the Public as Tourist Sites.

Recently there have been discussions about whether universities should be open to the public to promote local tourism. Although one would argue that it is a good opportunity and provide extra income to tertiary education, I personally do not agree with it.

Firstly, the primary purpose for universities is to provide tertiary education to students, therefore opening public sites on campus will probably results to a shift in focus from improving education to some superficial attractions such as student lounge hence will ruin the peaceful study environment.

Secondly, publicly available tourism sites will attract many people coming for a visit, hence it will result to heavy work load for the university management department, in terms of staff and student health, and management of university properties. Particularly when the H1N1 swine flu is sweeping over the whole planet, universities as places with high student concentration should be more careful in public health management.

Therefore overall I think universities should better not provide public tourist sites due to academic requirements, public health concerns, and difficulty in management.


Should College Open to Public?
Whether colege should open as a scenic spot to the public has been a hot topic among teachers and students.Some of them think that college should open to the public to attact more attention.Others hold a different opinion.To my mind,I think college should not be opened as a scenic.First, a college is an important place of education.We won't be able to put great emphsis on our education if it is opened as a spot.Second,it will influence the management of the college,what's more,the H1N1 flu is spreading rapidly.
To sum up,our colleges should not be opened as a scenic spot.


I think it's a bit wrong, school, after all is for the students to learn, it should be filled with the knowledge of the breath, if the school as attractions, visitors can buy a ticket at after visiting here in take a picture and a shadow, and there, so that schools will become what ah, on the one hand, will affect students' sentiment, on the other hand, the school, the school work after be spots on the side, which is dedicated to the development of the school, or focus on how to attract more tourists to revenue? So I think that the school is the school, scenic spots, cannot confuse STH with STH else is.

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