上海海洋大学 爱恩学院

发布时间:2024-05-14 23:37 发布:上海旅游网


请翻译成中文:I heard from someone that Shanghai Ocean University's IEN institute was a piece of shit.The students from were jerks.Guys were blockheaded and gals were b***tches.Some of them were even with some mental defect.At first,I thought it was nonsense and rumors,but I undoubt it after I paid a visit to the IEN and saw those shit with my own eyes.What a motherf*** it is!The gals in it flirted with those foreign teachers.Holly shiiiit!The guys were sisiy girls.They did nothing and learnt nothing but kept playing computer games in their dormitory.This bad atmosphere is spreading to every single one in IEN now,especially in the class of 2007.How should I describe the class of 2007?Slackers,Drunkers,Hookers,Gangsters...Everything nasty you imagine can happened to them.


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