
发布时间:2024-06-04 04:04 发布:上海旅游网


Dear mother,
I'm going to the People's Park with my classmates this Sunday.


we will leave at 8 o'clock in the morning and come back before 5 o'clock. at noon, we will enjoy a tasty picnic on the grass. so please do not worry about me. i will bring the telephone with. if there is something important, just call me. Dear Mom, hope you will have a nice weekend as well~

Love you,

Last weekend, all students in my class went to the park. It was sunny that day. The park was full of kinds of flowers. In the morning, some of my classmates sang, danced, and some played valleyball. Some were playing Chinese chess under the tree. After lunch, we went boating and climbing the hills. Although we were tired, we were happy. We enjoyed ourselves that day. In the late of afternoon, we retuned to school by bus

I don't know

we will leave at 8 o'clock in the morning and come back before 5 o'clock. at noon, we will enjoy a tasty picnic on the grass. so please do not worry about me. i will bring the telephone with. if there is something important, just call me. Dear Mom, hope you will have a nice weekend as well~

Love you,
