
发布时间:2024-06-02 08:27 发布:上海旅游网


China's largest archipelago, Zhoushan is a developing port and island city in China. The Zhoushan city is located in the middle of the "Zhoushan Fishery", one of the world's four largest fisheries. It lies in the central part of China's coastline,and is only tens of nautical miles away from Shanghai, the largest commercial city in China.

Zhoushan city is embraced by 1,339 islands of the Zhoushan Archipelago, including the 502-square-kilometre Zhoushan Island which is the largest,and is a little bit larger than Hong Kong.

Zhoushan Archipelago has a monsoon marine climate with an annual tempereture averaging 16 degrees Centigrade. Worm in winter and cool in summer,Zhoushan is a pleasant place with beautiful scenery. Within Zhoushan city, there are 2 state-level scenic resorts--Putuo Island and the Shangsi Island, and 2 provincia-level scenic areas--Mount Dai and Taohua Island. Sea, sunshine, beach and Buddhist culture compose the unique sea and hill views of Zhoushan. The city has altogether 20 travel agencies and 20 hotels catering to foreign nationals, receiving more than 2.8 million tourists each year.

Located where warm and cold currents meet, the sea surrounding the Zhoushan Archipelago is shallow and has a plentiful supply of food for the fish brought by the Yangtze River and Qiangtang river. Large and small yellow croakers, cuttlefish and hairtails are its best-known marine products.

With its scenic peaks and temples, Putuo Island, or Putuo Hill, is one of the four sacred hills of Chinese Buddhism. 翻译


中国最大的群岛,舟山是一个发展中的港口和岛屿的城市中国。舟山市位于中间的“舟山渔业” ,是世界上四个最大的渔场。它位于中国中部地区的海岸线,只有几十海里,距上海,最大的商业城市在中国。


舟山群岛的季风海洋气候,年平均温度16摄氏度。蠕虫病毒在冬天和凉爽的夏天,舟山是一个愉快的与美丽的风景。在舟山市,有2个国家级风景胜地-普陀山岛和上思岛, 2省级风景区-傣族和桃花山岛。大海,阳光,沙滩和佛教文化构成了独特的海上和希尔的意见舟山。全市共有20个旅行社和20酒店餐饮的外国国民,收到280多万游客每年。


