上海媒体记者联系方式 - 我要 媒体曝光 花旗集团 蔑视中华人民共和国的劳动法。

发布时间:2024-06-01 11:53 发布:上海旅游网




你可以尝试联系媒体编辑 如果媒体被控制了,你也不要去法院,没任何意义;

谢谢你的 Realistic suggestion, 我的看法和你一样。。 我已经向浦东新区人民法院申请了一个开庭日, 是9 月开庭... 臭台湾人, 一上位高这种谰事。。太给我门台湾人丢脸了..

I was kept in custody for 4 hours (5.30pm - 9.30pm)by 3 Citibank seniors, locked in a small room forced to sign my resignation letter (I stuck to my principles and refused to sign)... then they locked me out of the office, announced to my team that I had resigned.... I am proud to be Chinese and refuse to accept that major corporations such as Citibank knowingly abuse the legal system in China... treating China like some 3rd world country. Ripping away the legal rights of workers in China.

I traveled halfway around the world to come back to my ancestor home, I have an obligation to rectify the situation. If you can help me in anyway, please do..

谢谢你,要帮我加油哦。。 :)
