
发布时间:2024-06-01 14:28 发布:上海旅游网





Chinese Zen祖庭Shaoguan】 【南华寺
Along the tour route:
Temple history 【】 - 【Road sixth patriarch into the story】 - 【】 status Zen - seven monasteries into】 【- 【nine Longquan - Water Song】

Temple history 【】
That group are welcome to Qujiang District of Shaoguan City tour南华寺.南华寺was built in AD 502. Is an area of 750,000 square meters, construction area of 23,000 square meters. At that time, the Indian drug Sanzo-chi, the "marine silk road", came to Guangzhou crossing "to the beginning to the West", found in Shaoguan Chogye spirit likeness of Buddha consciousness, and the creation of Buddhism "in the early Po Lam"; a result, animal husbandry韶州侯敬in its statement奏请letter Liangdi Emperor Temple. Temple into, thanks to the amount of Emperor "宝林寺" Tang cases have been renamed as the "Chung Hsing Temple", "law Stephen Temple," when Xuanzong renamed "Lite-Temple" Song Taizu Zhao Kuangyin名之为"South Temple" are still in use. Temple is the name of the Buddhist Association of China by the former Chairman of the title of Zhao.
【Shing Road and the story of sixth patriarch】
南华寺well-known is the sixth patriarch Hui as a result of the arrival of the Tang Dynasty. Hui,俗姓Lu, Guangdong新兴县people, three-year-old lost his father, mother, fabulous clothes on, do needlework living. Poor family literacy has never been, that is, the mountains more than 10-year-old firewood, to help fill the home. 24 years old, Tam Chai to rich people, to hear, "Diamond Sutra", brought great joy to hear, in particular, heard the words "in无所住, and the Health of their heart" that the yuan with Buddhism, therefore, request monks and nuns from the monks chanted Buddhist scripts. Monks and their answer was found Buddhism Huineng rare genius, then invite him to the east of Hubei Huang Temple, where she studied with弘忍Legend to Buddhist rationale, as Zhengguo.
To see the Legend, Legend is a straight on the head: "南蛮子you to see your chin pointed, the amount of penetration of bone; you look at the Buddha Buddha, which is not a benign, round chin, the amount of length width? Not go go! Free all right! Buddhist! "Hui replied:" Although the North and the South who, without the North and the South of the Buddha. Nanban with Buddha and the Buddha. "Legend see Wu-tsung, was allowed to its left. Huineng are illiterate, do so only in Zhaitang firewood, burner,舂米, cooking, like the Freelander fatigue. After nine months,弘忍think at an advanced age, should be passed down the ancestral place. General, the ancestral place of the disciple to the great神秀, and神秀with the division for many years, is the first professor of the division. But "if莺啼tears, the highest wet flower", Tang Dynasty poetry考状元, Legend would also like to find poetry in sixth patriarch. Thus, the write偈颂told his disciples in order to obtain ancestral places. "Body is the bodhi tree, the heart of Taiwan, such as Der Spiegel; dust ground from time to time, can the dust alight勿使." Finally write the philosophical terms like the Buddha神秀out. Legend see below, said: "此偈a入佛门foot and one foot into the Buddhist is not no本心, not nature.此偈their ancestral places not yet available." Huineng also comments: "The U.S. is the United States say, the then outstanding "; and read out their own偈颂:" Bodhi-tree, nor stand mirror; have none, where can the dust alight. "Therefore, the pro-Hui Chuan was the Buddha's Holy Robe of Shaolin Temple, Zijin bowl (bō), the mantle-human transmission as a Zen Buddhism, the sixth generation of ancestors.
Zen status 【】
The mountains in the stealth of Zen Buddhism were thoroughly aware of the fact and then after fifteen years, appears in the Guangzhou Huineng Law of Temple (now光孝寺) to sophisticated Prajna Bodhi Dharma, a thorough subjective idealism, impressed in India after the Buddhist monks and other monks and return to南华寺, that contained 37 Lisheng, Speak "直指人心, see of Buddha," the only way to create南宗Zen, Buddhism, China completed. Doors were Fahai (Shaoguan people) under the master record of discovery, which is China's only a non-Buddha, and referred to as "by" the classics - "sixth patriarch as a magic weapon for the altar." "An-Shih Rebellion", the南宗or jump to the mainstream of Zen Buddhist country, "one of the world's flowers." 43 disciples of six ancestral law, and to create a Sect,曹洞, Wei Yang, Cloud Gate, 5 escaped; have Tang, the monks make a Huineng subglottic monk so that the "Zen" almost become a "Buddha" synonymous. Tang and Song dynasties, the Zen also spread to the Korean Peninsula, Japan, Southeast Asian countries after the Second World War, and then spread to Europe and the United States, Australia and other places;南华寺therefore become an emerging center of world Buddhism. Southeast Asia and Hong Kong, Macao and other places Buddhist Society Institute, close on the heels南华寺for祖庭. South Korea's largest Buddhist sect is Chogye cases, total-shu Buddhism was founded in the year to the Jogyesa Temple in 1395. In Japan, more and Shinto, Confucianism three side by side for the Japanese traditional culture, Chinese cultural circle of Japan and other Asian countries have far-reaching effects. "Zen" in 1970 have become popular after the culture of the world. Mao Zedong once said, Guangdong, the two great men, one of Sun Yat-sen, a Hui Neng. Zhao also Chan Road: ordinary woodsman win there on the next human Sophia. Western scholars are known Confucius, Laozi, benefits for "Eastern three saints."
