
发布时间:2024-05-29 02:29 发布:上海旅游网


Dim tPoints As Integer 'Variable for total number of points (vertices)

Private Sub Form_Load()
'Initiate total points to 1, using base 0 causes problems in the functions
tPoints = 1
End Sub

Private Sub Picture1_MouseDown(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, x As Single, y As Single)

'variable to hold how many triangles are created by the triangulate function
Dim HowMany As Integer

'Set Vertex coordinates where you clicked the pic box
Vertex(tPoints).x = x
Vertex(tPoints).y = y

'Perform Triangulation Function if there are more than 2 points
If tPoints > 2 Then
'Clear the Picture Box
'Returns number of triangles created.
HowMany = Triangulate(tPoints)
'Draw a circle where you clicked so it does something
Picture1.Circle (Vertex(tPoints).x, Vertex(tPoints).y), 50, vbBlack
End If

'Increment the total number of points
tPoints = tPoints + 1

'Display the total points and total triangles
lblPoints.Caption = "Points: " & tPoints
lblTris.Caption = "Triangles: " & HowMany

'Draw the created triangles
For i = 1 To HowMany
Picture1.Line (Vertex(Triangle(i).vv0).x, Vertex(Triangle(i).vv0).y)-(Vertex(Triangle(i).vv1).x, Vertex(Triangle(i).vv1).y)
Picture1.Line (Vertex(Triangle(i).vv1).x, Vertex(Triangle(i).vv1).y)-(Vertex(Triangle(i).vv2).x, Vertex(Triangle(i).vv2).y)
Picture1.Line (Vertex(Triangle(i).vv0).x, Vertex(Triangle(i).vv0).y)-(Vertex(Triangle(i).vv2).x, Vertex(Triangle(i).vv2).y)
Next i

End Sub
这是VB程序代码,前面的我都能看懂,最后面的一段( For i = 1 To HowMany
Picture1.Line (Vertex(Triangle(i).vv0).x, Vertex(Triangle(i).vv0).y)-(Vertex(Triangle(i).vv1).x, Vertex(Triangle(i).vv1).y)
Picture1.Line (Vertex(Triangle(i).vv1).x, Vertex(Triangle(i).vv1).y)-(Vertex(Triangle(i).vv2).x, Vertex(Triangle(i).vv2).y)
Picture1.Line (Vertex(Triangle(i).vv0).x, Vertex(Triangle(i).vv0).y)-(Vertex(Triangle(i).vv2).x, Vertex(Triangle(i).vv2).y)
Next i)我想知道什么意思,请各位知道的仁兄帮帮忙,越详细越好!在下实在没分,只求各位帮帮忙!


