
发布时间:2024-06-01 18:45 发布:上海旅游网




Herons at Yuantouzhu Jiangsu Wuxi Taihu guide words

You visitors : Now to the tour is "the first famous Taihu Lake," said the Herons at Yuantouzhu.它距无锡市区18公里,是无锡境内太湖西北岸的一个半岛,因有巨石突入湖中,状如浮重翘首而得名。 Green Herons at Yuantouzhu is the best attractions in Wuxi, a famous writer Guo Moruo had "absolutely excellent Taihu, after all, the first in the province," the poem praise and described a heavy first-timers wistful mood. Tourists : Herons at Yuantouzhu to the way, let me first to introduce them Taihu.

Good morning ! My name is Can I begain?

Attention,please.Ladies and gentlement .Welcome to beautiful city ,Nanjing ,I am the guide xuyi .Today, we are going to visit *****. On the way to ****,let me introduce the beautiful city ,Nanjing .

Nanjing is the capital city of Jiangsu Province and the provincial political, economic and cultural center ,she is located in the lower reaches of Yangtze river,southwest of the province.The population of its urban area is about 3million.

Nanjing is one of the historical and cultural cities rectified by the state.She bears the reputation of the capital of Wu, Easter Jin, Song,Qi,Liang,Chen,Southern Tang,Ming, Taiping Kingdom, and Republic of china subsequently.Nanjing is a place of celebrities and humanities, with a splendid cultrual heritage.The attraction of Nanjing consists in the combination of rich natural and cultrual heritages.With many a relics of the Republic of china era in particluar , Nanjing is recognized as the museum of modern Chinese history.


Among al the historical and cultural attractions in Nanjing, the most favored highlight is Dr.Sun Yaten’s Mausoleum.Dr.Sun Yatsen’s Mausoleum sits on the southern slope of the pruple Mountain in the eatern subrub of the city. The construction began on March 12,1926 and was completed in 1929 when the remains of Dr.Sun Yatsen was transported from Beijing and buried at the present site on June,1.

Dr.Sun Yatsen, also named Sun Wen or Sun Zhongshan, is considered as the forerunner of the Chinese democratic revolution.Dr.Sun Yatsen is a great man because he devoted 40 yeas of his life to pursuing his dream to overthrow the feudal monarchy and build a progressive, united and democratic Republic of china.

Why was Dr.Sun Yatsen buried in Nanjing instead of in his hometown or Beijing where he died?The mausoleum site was first recommended to Dr.Sun Yatsen by the abbot of Linggu Temple for its good geomantic omen.One day in April, 1912, he went hunting at the site of present mausoleum with his friends.Dr.Sun Yatsen was really so amazed by the beautiful environment that he aid to them :”I wish I could be bestowed a piece of land by people and be buried here after my death”.He once again expressed this desire in his sickbed in 1925.The architect named Lu Yanzhi .Dr.Sun Yasen’s Mausoleum is designed in the shape of a liberty bell, intending to remind people never to get self-contented. The park of mausoleum covers an area of 800000 square meters. The whole architecture ,from the gateway to the main entrance,tablet pavilion ,memorial hall and the tomb valult,lies on the north-south axis with 392 steps ans 10 platforms in between .The buildings are all constructed with natural granite and marbls and convered by blue glazed-title roofs.

Opposite to the bronze incense-burner off the quare, stands the 12-meter high gateway of three arches with Dr.Sun Yatsen’s handwriting “Fraternity” carved on its front top. The 480-meter long tomb avenue, lined wih pine ,gingko and maple trees ,leads to the main entrance tower roofed by blue-glazed tile.Under the front eave of the tower, Dr.Sun Yatsen’s motto ‘The world belongs to people ‘ can be seen .Walking through it , the first building one will seee is the tablet pavilion which houses a huge tombstone which is engraved with ‘Premier Dr.Sun is buried here by the Chinese Koumingtang on Jone1,1929’. From there, a panoramic view of the memorial hall can be obtained. However, there are still 392 steps in 4 flight to go before tourists reach the memorial hall on the top , and a platform with stone benches at evry flight so as not to exhaust the climbers.
The memorial hall stands 73.33 meters abov the ground. The lintel of the memorial hall is inscried with “nationalism, democratic rights and people’s livelihood” and a vertical plaque is carved with 4 characters “Hao qi chang cun ” meaning imperishable noble spirit. All these words are written in Dr.Sun’s own hand. In the center of the memorial hall sits the Italian white marble statue of Dr.Sun Yatsen mounted on a pedestal carved in bas-relief by a Polish sculptor about his revolutionary activities. The surrounding walls are inscribed with the national constitution written by Dr.Sun Yatsen. Beyond the memorial hall is the tomb vault .Standing by the side of the pool, as visitors look down, they bow to see Dr.Sun Yatsen’s reclining marble statue with his body buried 5 meters underneath. If one looks up, he will find the emblem of the nationalist Party on the ceiling.
When one wraps up the homage tour and steps down, he will not only enjoy a bird’s eyeview of beautiful Nanjing , but also feel toally reliveed because he does not see any more of those 392 steps , but the platforms. Not until then, will he understand how great Dr.Sun Yatsen is.

The whole mausoleum is an architectural complex in a typical and traditional Chinese style, and the layout is harmonious and rational.All the buildings are roofed with blue-glazed tiles. With pine trees and cypresses growing around ,the mausoleum looks magnificent and dignified.Dr.Sun’s Mausoleum attracts thousands of visitors everyday.

XiaoLing Tomb of The Ming Dynasty

Xiaoling Tomb,or the tomb of filial piety, built 600 years ago ,is the mausoleum of Zhu Yuan zhang , the founding emperor of the Ming Dynasty. Lying at the southern foot of the Purple Mountain ,the tomb complex is one of the largest ancient mausoleums of the emperors in china.
Zhu Yuanzhang began to have his tomb built in 1381 when his wife Empress Ma died. The empress was buried in the tomb in 1383.But Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang died in 1398 and was buried here in the same year.But the construction of the mausoleum lasted 38 years or more till 1431 when ‘the Steke if Sacred Neruts abd Virtues of Great Ming’ Filial Tomb’ was erected.
The mausoleum consists of two major sections.The first section is from the Gateway of Dismounting Horse to the Lingxing Gate at the end of Sacred Way(tomb avenue), of which the approach is 1800 meters long. The second part is the tomb itself. Historical records indicate the mausoleum had a grand red wall, 22.5 kilometers long, enclosing the whole tomb area. The tomb conple was very large with many splendid buildings. 100000 pines were planted and 1000 deer raised in the park of mausoleum. Unfortunately, this large group of buildings was ruined by the wars in the late Ming and early Qing dynasties and the war in which by the Qing Dynasty army. All the wooden structures wre destroyed. However we can still see the exquisite stone carvings from the stone bases and imagine how magnificent it looked like 600 years ago.

The tomb gate known as grand golden gate was a traditional architecture and connected with the red wall. The gateway of Dismounting Horse locates about 750 meters south from here.This shows the absolute dignity of Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang at that time.To the east of the gateway,there are two tablets:the holy Mountain Tablet and the Tablet of Mountain Forbidden Regulations decreeing the entrance of the ordinary people into the holy area was to be severely punished. The royal court dispatched troops here to atand as guards at the mausoleum in the years.that is why the site has been called Xiaolingwei meaning the Town of Filial guard.

Northwards from the great golden gate, a huge roofless stone tablet pavilion canbe seen ,it is the Square Castle, as local people call it . Its top is gone but the surrounding walls and four archways still remain. In the middle of the building ,there stands ans 8.78 meters high stele called :The Stele of Sacred Merits and Virtues of Great Ming’s Filial Tomb.It was built in 1413 by the third emperor ,Zhu yuanzhang ‘s fourth son.The stele is inscribed altogether with 2746 Chinese characters in praise of the merits and virtues of Emperor Zhu yuanzhang .

The sacred way is lined on both sides with 12 pairs of giant stone animals in 6 kiinds. For each kind of the animals, there are one pair standing and the other kneeling. The standing pair is working and the kneeling resting and they are on duty alternately. The real purpose of building these animals is to demonstrate the royal magnificence and the emperor’s dignity, to drive away evil spirits and guard the tomb. The first 2 pairs of animals are lions, king of the beasts symbolizing power.The second 2 pairs of animals are called Bixie, a unicorn-shaped mythical animal, said to e clever and capale of distinguishing between good and evil.The following pairs of animals include camels, elepahants, Kylins or chinese unicorns and horses. The camel is known as boat in the desert and symbol of prosperity. Each elephant , which is the largest and heaviest sculpture, weighs 80 tons and symbolizes peace. The kylin represents good luck as well as horse loyalty.

In ancient times ,it was rather difficult to move these heavy stone animals. The fact is that workers splashed water on the ground in cold winter, and pushed the stone animals to the present locations on the surface of frozen ice.
Two 6.25 meter-high stone pillars serve as alters for the sacrificial offerings. Both the hexagonal pillars are carved with the patterns of clouds and dragons arousing visitors’sreverence and worship to the emperor . The sacred avenue makes a right turn here just because the Plum Blossom Hill stands in the way. The hill is the tomb for Sun Quan , The first emperor of Eastern Wu kingdom. It is said that when the tomb was constructed,some ministers suggested that Sun Quan’s tomb should be moved away. But Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang commented that Sun Quan was a good fellow and should stay there to be the concierge of his tomb. The Plum Blossom hill now is popular excursion site for the local people in spring when the plum trees are in full blossom.

Beyond the memorial pollars there are 4 pairs of stone WenZhongs,2 pairs each of court officials and warriors. Legend has it that there was a giant about 10meters tall of Qin Dynasty.The warriors,3.26meters high, are in armor with weapons in hands while court officials are in court ceremonial robe with writing board in hans to take notes of the emperor’s edict.
Behind the statue, there used to be a gate named Lingxing Gate.About 270 meters away from the gate is the stone bridge spanning over a small stream, yet it is called the Imperial Moat Bridge.The bridge used to have 5 arches , but was renovated into 3 arches later in the Qing Dynasty. The bridge foundation and stone dykes are the original except the rail.
About 200 meters north of the Imperial Moat Bridge is the front gate to the tomb. This area is the rear section of the tomb.The arch gate has 5 doorways, with yellow glazed tiles, red walls and doors . The lintel of the middle gate is engraved with 3 Chinese characters Meaning ‘Xiaoling Tomb of Ming Dynasty’. Or “Ming’s Filial Tomb” given by the emperor himself but Ming was added actually later in the Qing timees. It reflects the emperor’s idea to administer the country with filial piety which is the very instruction of Confucius, the most influential Chinese philosopher.At the right of the gate, there is a table stone on which is inscribed with ‘The Special Notice’ written in 6 foreign languages of Japanese,German, English, French, Italian and Russian respectivel to reaffirm the attention to the protection of the filial tomb in the late Qing years.

Inside the gate is an entrance hall, of which in the middle is ‘the Stele of Administering the ountry well as the Tang and Song dynasties’. The tablet stone is engraved with the handwriting of Emperor Kangxi when he was paying his homage to the entombed emperor during his third inspection tour to the area in 1699.
Standing behind the hall is the Filial Hall or Sacrificial hall ,which is one of the major buildings in the mausoleum employed to enshrine Emperor Zhun Yuanzhang and his empress.But the original was destroyed in the wars, and the present one was rebuilt and twice restored in the Qing Dynasty.

The citadel of Treasures is the last building on the ground, 16.25meters high, 75 meters wide and 31 meters in depth. Ascending a flight of 54 stone stairs from an archway of the citadel is the tomb proper covered by a large earthen mound 400 meters in diameter. Under the mound rest the emperor and his consorts , and as the records testify, 50 or more concubines and maids of honor were buried alive for company. Their families were ensured holy titles, but these young lives became the eternal victims of feudal sacrifice system.
The tomb is at the foot of Purple Mountain. It has not been excavated because of the technical reasons of preservation.

Linggu Temple

Linggu Temple park lies about one and half kilometers to the east of Dr.Sun Yatsen’s Mausoleum. It was called Jiangshan Temple in ancient time and its original site was in Dulongfu at the foot of the purple Mountain. However, in the early days of the Ming Dynast(1368-1644),Emperor Zhun Yuanzhang chose that place to build his tomb, thus the temple had to be moved and rebuilt at the present site and was renamed as the Linggu Temple with an inscription “The Fist Buddhist Forest” at the entrance there is a secluded footpath with thousands of pine trees, verdant and luxuriant , so it is called the “Valley of Spirit Deep in Pines”. It is one of the 48 attractions in Nanjing . Main attractions in the park include LInggu Temple , the gateway of officers and men killed in action, Beamless hall,Pine and Wind Pavilion, Linggu Pagoda, Monk Baogong Pagoda and Table of three Great Artists, etc.

The first major attracton is the gate way of officials and men killed in action. In November 1928, when Chiang Kaishek’s Kuomintang government made a decision to turn the Linggu temple into a crmetery of officials and men killed in battles, the original entrance to the temple was rebuilt into a three-arch gateway for the dead officials and men. The gateway has 5 principle colums made of concrete cement. The gate has its foundation inlaid with granite on surface and roofed by blue-glazed tile. The lintel of the middle door is carved with 4 Chinese characters “great Justice and Virtue” in front face and “Salvation of the Nation and People” on the back. The side lintels of the gate are decorated with the emblems of the Kmt party.

Inside the park there is the Beamless Hall built in 1381 in the Ming dynast. The hall,53.8 meters long, 37.85 meters wide and 22meters high, was built entirely of bricks and stones from top to bottom without a piece of wood, hence the name. There are nine ouverlapping redges and three dagobas decorating the top reges. In terms of size, the Beamless Hall stands first and formost of its kind in china. It was built more than 200 years earlier than the other same kind Hall in other ares.No wonder it is considered a masterpiece of Chinese stone-brick buildings. The diffculty involved in its construction and the complexity of techniques adopted testify the wisdom of the architects of that time in china.
