旅游广告论文参考文献 英文的

发布时间:2024-06-01 18:32 发布:上海旅游网


期刊:注释编号 .作者.期刊.题名[J].刊名,出版年(卷、期):起止页码
论文集:注释编号.作者.论文名称: 论文集名[C].出版地:出版社,出版年度.起止页码
学位论文:注释编号 .作者.题名[D].保存地点:保存单位,写作年度.
专利文献:注释编号 .专利所有者.题名[P].专利国别:专利号, 出版日期


Book: Annotation serial number. Author. Monograph. Book title [M]. publishing house, publication year. Beginning and end page number

periodical: Annotation serial number. Author. Periodical. Autographs the [J]. publication name, the publication year (volume, time): Beginning and end page number collection: Annotation serial number.

Author. Paper name: Collection name [C]. publication place: Publishing house, publication year. Beginning and end page number dissertation: Annotation serial number. Author. Autographs [D]. to preserve the place: Preserved unit, writing year.

patent documentation: Annotation serial number. Patent owner. Autographs the [P]. patent nationality: Patent number, publication date

你好 翻译如下

Book: Notes ID. Author. Monograph. Title [M]. Press, Publication Year. Beginning and ending page number.
Series: Notes ID. Author. Periodicals. Title [J]. Title, publication year (volume, issue): beginning and ending page number.
Essays: Notes ID. Author. Thesis title: Essays name [C]. Published in: Publisher, publication year. Beginning and ending page number.
Dissertation: Notes ID. Author. Title [D]. Save Location: preservation unit, writing the year.
Patent Literature: Notes ID. Patent owner. Title [P]. Patent country: patent number, date of publication.

Book: Notes ID. Author. Monograph. Title [M]. Press, Publication Year. Beginning and ending page
Series: Notes ID. Author. Periodicals. Title [J]. Title, publication year (volume, issue): beginning and ending page
Essays: Notes ID. Author. Thesis title: Essays name [C]. Published in: Publisher, publication year. Beginning and ending page
Dissertation: Notes ID. Author. Title [D]. Save Location: preservation unit, writing the year.
Patent Literature: Notes ID. Patent owner. Title [P]. Patent country: patent number, date of publication

