
发布时间:2024-06-06 13:37 发布:上海旅游网




安徽省园艺农家乐旅游示范点--园艺村坐落在青山脚下,境内人文荟萃,民风淳朴, 山青水秀,风光旖旎,环境优美,素有“世外桃园”之称。园艺村山地面积14000亩,森林覆盖率达70%。唐代大诗人李阳冰、李白叔侄二人曾流连于此。

Located at the foot of Qingshan mountain, the gardening exemplary base of agricultural tourism has a name of “Xanadu” and has nourished and attracted many outstanding personalities. It is also known for its picturesque scenery, folkway of primitive simplicity and exquisite living environment. This exemplary base covers a hilly and mountainous area of 14000 mu (1mu ≈ 667 m2) and its coverage rate of forest reaches 70 percent. It was this place that once attracted the famous poet Li Bai and his uncle, Li Bingyang, to visit and live several times in Tang Dynasty.

The horticulture village blends humanities resources and natural landscape together. Some key historical relics scatter in this base, such as the Huanwen's tomb(Senior general in Jin dynasty), Tombs of Jin dynasty, Kiln of Colour- Glazed Tile of Ming dynasty and the Qingyun temple and Bailing temple. Taibai lake is like a studded pearl lying in the embrace of Qingshan mountain. Such an agreeable ecological environment has attracted tens of thousands of egrets to perch here every year. Meanwhile, In the season of the blooming of lotus flower, the large lotus-covered water are universally decorated by these beautiful flowers, thus makes the visiting enjoy themselves so much that they fell unwilling to go home. Every year, tens of thousands of visitors come here for participating two feasts, the festival of peach blossom and plucking day, held by Dangtu provincial government.

The characteristic agriculture of the horticulture village has extremely high tour value. This place is gifted with adequate sunlight, heavy rainfall and rich soil. Century years ago, people here began to plant the economic fruit forestry and plentiful practical experience was accumulated as time went by. Currently, more than 10000 mu economic fruit forestry in 40 sorts, including peach, apricot, persimmon and pear, can produce almost capacity of 10 million tons kilogramme per year. The fruits are popularly favoured by market due to the good quality, fresh and healthy.

The horticulture village was evaluated as a provincial exemplary base of agricultural tourism by tourism administration and agricultural commission of Anhui province. It has become a typical sample on accelerating the construction of new socialist countryside by financing agriculture with revenue generated from tourism. With no doubt, it will definitely become a business card of rural tourism of Ma’anshan.
Hearty welcome to visit our gardening village.
Eating and living in peasants' families, returning to nature and releasing the mood.
