
发布时间:2024-06-13 09:21 发布:上海旅游网


都 江 堰







各位朋友.个都江堰工程,从鱼嘴到飞沙堰到离堆宝瓶口.层层推进又互相衔接,工事现分利用河道和山的形势.科学地解决了江水的自动分流,自动排沙,自动排水和引水的难题.收到"行水灌用,防洪抗灾"的功效.拜水都江堰,问道青成山所揭示的就是都江堰"乘势利导,因时制宜" "遇弯截角,逢正抽山"的治水八字格言的文化底蕴.即"天人合一""神人合一"制天命用之"的制水精神.天时地利人和,人和自然的和谐相处都江堰指引后代也万代传承.都江堰水利工程与自然及人文景观良性互补,融为优美的旅游胜地,其"天人合人"的可持续发展内涵是世界上反有的.难怪余秋雨先生说:"我以为,中国历史上最激动人心的工程不是长城而是都江堰"





我的导游词翻译月中成都考试SOS 谢谢你 帮我下


You folks : Good morning, Welcome to Dujiangyan

As we all know, still do not know the Chengdu Plain famine, flood and people from the land of abundance, "Tianfu" the word means fertile land. However, the Chengdu Plain is not a piece of ancient times are fertile land, then what created the current " Land of Abundance "? That we have to visit the Dujiangyan irrigation.

Dujiangyan is located in the north-western Chengdu Plain, located under the Minjiang Yu Leishan mid-stream. Shujun from the Warring States period Shou-chaired by Li Bing, irrigation, is the world's oldest age so far, the only retention, the diversion dam had never characterized by large water conservancy projects, It embodies the ancient Chinese working people of great wisdom. Jhenchuan of history as a unique treasure.

Let us enter the magical world that exposure to this unique in the world, do not waste long Guyan millennium. To appreciate the ancient through modern feel it! At the same time, please visit us here love a good grass - Wood.

Dear friends, we have in front of Dujiangyan to visit since the drainage works and fish head Feisha weir. Yulei Shan immediate as if the split is the power of being a big hole. Dujiangyan is the big hole in the third component of the project --- Bao bottle. It is an artificial Zaocheng 20 meters wide, 40 meters high, 80 meters long a big hole, used to control the river within the Chengdu Plain into the throat, as a result of its bottle shape and functions of special, named Aquarius Mouth. This has just asked Mr. Wang, well before the year 2000, it is how great this Zaocheng Pass it? Really is the power of using it? On this issue there is a beautiful legend, the legend Po-cut bottle, people bull by the horns, a heroic death, but Li Bing's daughter was also rolling by swallowing Jiang Liu, finally opened the bottle Bao, at the expense of those who Yuhuachengxian, the gods of the day and night to guard Guyan this millennium. Legend is a beautiful bleak, but this is not true. 2000 years ago, not gunpowder, the use of iron also behind the times, the first people with infinite wisdom. Think of the end of the "Huogong" approach , That is, in fact burned, stone and water vinegar. Rezhanglengsuo so that the stones, leading to burst. So repeatedly, after eight years of time before our eyes into a bottle of Po. For their country for the people , Irrigation Fengxian selfless noble sentiments of the Chinese nation has set a fine sons and daughters of the glorious image. Respected and later became a model for modern people to learn.

Bao bottle like a bottle, strictly controls the flow of river water into the Chengdu Plain. Bao When the bottle to be filled up when the flow of about (7000M3 / S). Minjiang no matter how big the flood occurred, Po bottle also refused to "I" Outside. When the flood warning line than when the sand from the river on the right side of the low-automatic surplus water discharged into the River outside, so that the water level in streams and always keep a safe level. This makes the Chengdu Plain has the benefits of irrigation water flood disaster, Today, it created a "land of abundance."

My friends. Dujiangyan 000 works from the fish head to the weir to Fei Sha Po bottle from the heap. Layers with each other and promote the convergence of fortifications is the use of sub-mountain and river situation. Scientifically resolved the automatic diversion of the river, automatic flushing , And automatic water drainage problems. Received "Shuiguan line, flood disaster" effect. Dujiangyan water worship, Green asked Chengshan Dujiangyan is revealed by "the momentum profits lead to change in" the "cut-off case of bend angle, Hill is on every pump, "the water of the eight-character maxim cultural." Heaven and Man, "" God and Man-in-one "system with the mandate of heaven" in the spirit of water. At the right time, the harmony between man and nature guide future generations of Dujiangyan Bandai has also passed. Dujiangyan water and the natural landscape and human healthy complement each other into a tourist destination for beautiful, "Heaven Hop" connotation of the sustainable development of the world's anti-some. No wonder Mr. Yu Qiuyu said: "I think , The most exciting in the history of China's Great Wall is not a project but Dujiangyan "

Well, please now pondering the magic of this project at the same time, we have to bear as the last leg of today's concept of Fulong.

Thank you
