
发布时间:2024-06-01 14:56 发布:上海旅游网


背景:say thank you in english on the phone to a guest who has stayed with you on business for a week.



Manager(经理):Please call this customer within today for thanking him to live in our hotel during his one-week business trip.
Me: Ok, I will do it ASAP within today.
Manager:And ask him for the advice of our service as well.
Me: I see.

Me:Good morning, this is **(名字) from ** Hotel(酒店名). I'd like to talk with Mr.**(客人名字). He lived in our hotel during his last business trip.
Secretary: Good morning. Please hold on.

Secretary:Mr. **, Ms/Mr.*** from the ** Hotel are on the line now. He/She would like to talk with you. Would you like to receive it?
Mr.**:Ok, pass it to me, thank you.
Secretary: just a minute.

Me: Good morning, Mr. **. This is ** from ** Hotel. Hope that everything is fine for you and your business.
Mr.**: Thank you very much. Anything I can do for you?
Me:Oh, it is my great honor to represent our hotel to send our gratitude to you for your support so far. I did hope that your last trip to our city is a fruitful one for you.
Mr.**:Thank you so much. And I should also express my gratitude for you good service for that week. All of you are so nice to me and help me a lot.
Me: Thank you for your kind comment. If there is any you would like to tell us about our hotel, please feel free to let me know.
Mr.**: No, thanks. I am sure I will check in your hotel again for my coming trip.
Me: Nice to hear that. We are looking forward to meet you again. It's our pleasure to serve you again. Have a nice day.
Mr.**: You too, bye.
Me: Nice to talk with you, bye.

a. Hello. What can I do for you?
b. Hello. Can book a room for 2 persons on 1st Octorber?
a. Let me check it for you. Please wait for a moment.
b. Sure, no problem.
a. I'm sorry. There is no room available on that day.
b. Is there any on the next day?
a. I'm afraid not. All rooms are booked out from 1st to 5th October.
b. Ok. I will try another hotel. Thanks
a. You are welcome. Bye.

学英语啊,上网方便的话,建议去spiikrre英语,ABC恬下英语,e线口语看下.好.咯,很专业,上课方便!A:Good afternoon,what can i do for you ?B:I'm new here and i little English. Can you translate the menu for me ,please?A:Well ,there is a Cnese menu here.What would you prefer?B:I'd like to have fried potatoes and fried fish.A:Any drinks?B:OK,a bottle of oringe juice,please.A:Here are what you ordered just now.B:Thankyou.A:下午好,您需要什么帮忙嘛?B:我懂很少英语,你能把菜单翻译下嘛?A:这有一份中文菜单,您想要什么呢?B:我要炸土豆和炸鱼。A:要不要来些饮料呢?B:来一瓶橙汁。A:这是您刚才点的。B:谢谢。



