
发布时间:2024-06-02 18:55 发布:上海旅游网





发展旅游业,还能增长当地的就业机会,使更多的人有业可从,解决了社会中就业的一大难题,降低社会制安事件的发生频率.同时, 各地游客的进入, 增长了当地居民和外地人的接触和交往, 促进了相互间的文化交流, 扩大了视野, 提高了文化素养.发展国内旅游业还可以促进其他产业的发展.旅游业的发展能刺激旅游者的消费,从而可以形成和扩大新的消费市场。

With the development of tourism in some countries or regions or even become a tourism income of the largest pillar industry. Tourism is the economic, social and cultural phenomena, such as a comprehensive reflection of this decision features of the development of tourism is bound to bring tourism to the economy , The environment, a series of positive social impact.
The development of tourism, but also increase local employment opportunities so that more people from the industry has to address the social employment in one of the major problems and reduce the social security system, the frequency of incidents. At the same time, all over the tourists to enter, an increase of Local residents and outside contacts and exchanges to promote mutual cultural exchanges and expand the vision to improve the culture. The development of domestic tourism can promote the development of other industries. Development of the tourism industry can stimulate the growth of tourist spending, Thus the formation of a new and expanding consumer market.

Tourism on the beneficial effects of the economic environment is the most significant, tourism and other industries, the investment is a small, effective, non-polluting <relative industrial pollution is concerned> the industry, at the same time, tourism can promote other industries Development, which makes the region for tourism revenue of the national economy is of great significance.
Eco-tourism on the environment is a clear positive impact. With the increasing development of the tourism industry, continuous development of tourism resources, tourism resources, many of which are original to the existence of a number of ecological problems in the development of tourism resources, can take eco-tourism And the construction of pollution control measures developed to make tourism resources than the original ecological environment quality, that is, the development of the tourism landscape of the ecological environment. Tourism industry can maintain the ecological environment. Tourism resources developed into the use of the stage, if scientifically Management, will enable the local ecological environment and to enter a virtuous circle.
The development of domestic tourism to stimulate people's patriotic enthusiasm, to promote people's health, improve the quality of life has a larger role. Tourists to visit the motherland's mountains and rivers and beautiful scenic spots and monuments in their eyes open, mold, and expand the exchange of information and enhance the physical and mental health have an active role. Especially in the young people to carry out patriotic education, the role of domestic tourism is even more apparent. Third, the development of tourism can promote the ideas of the update to improve the quality of the people. The development of domestic tourism by the formation of the flow of tourists is the flow of information, ideas flow vector. This information, concepts, ideas and the dissemination of the way of life, can play a conservative style of thinking to break the local and trigger mind-set of thinking. To strengthen the ideological and cultural exchanges between people, ideas and update of its significance than the development of tourism as a result of the economic benefits of access to much more far-reaching. No matter for the domestic tourism industry of the socialist material civilization and spiritual civilization construction, or have a very important role in the promotion. As a result, the development of domestic tourism industry should lead the local community in particular is full of great importance to the tourism industry.
Of course, there will be good for the pros. Tourist accommodation in the building measures, such as water, electricity and other energy supplies Xu chaos, cost of water, waste gas, waste and so in a timely manner to deal with possible pollution of the environment to form. Driven by economic interests, many tourists travel to overload, or making travel chaos over-building measures, and there are some valuable historical and cultural values or unique heritage, the coordination of natural and cultural landscape damage
Novice, no, sorry. . . . The willingness to help us, thank you
Tourism travel environment is an atmosphere of the local natural environment, as well as to reflect local history, local or national environmental flavor contrast from which the local environment and culture, and history played an important role. Visitors to appreciate the beauty of nature, should also pay attention to abide by social morality. Their visitors are also an integral part of the scenery, and uncivilized behavior will not only tarnish the beauty of the scenery, will undermine the feelings of others when they visit. Harmony is our common aspiration for people who can make the best travel-hing, every visitor can indulge themselves, should be a more humility, more than a grace and one another to create a friendly, mutual humility of a good tourist atmosphere.

之前我咨询了很多家,比较介钱以及试听过后的感觉.好.,我选择了ABC恬下英语,Ekoyu口语,意格英语,E x say英语,帮你及时纠正学习方法,只要你能做到下定决心学,注意学习方法,你一定能够学好英语。和其他行业对英语的要求比较,我觉得旅游英语的特点最突出表现在两个方面 首先从形式上说,旅游英语更加侧重听,说能力 你面对的游客可能来自不同国家,都是英语,从美国人,英国人,澳洲人嘴里说出来就各有味道。举个例子,一个法国人吃饭的时候对我说要“ice”,我以为他要冰块,其实他想要米饭“rice”。丹麦人就更不用说了,他们说话满嘴打嘟噜,没有扎实的听力就很难胜任工作。口语在旅游英语中的重要性尤为突出,你可以不是纯正的美音澳音伦敦音,但是,必须发音准确,让别人容易听懂。用短句代替复合句,尽量不用冷僻的词汇。例如,我不懂“husband”这个词没关系,但“her cldren's father”一定要让人听懂 其次从内容上说,旅游英语更侧重广度 吃,住,行,游,购,娱都得知道些,政治,军事,农工商业,风俗,宗教,教育,体育,医疗,科技,传媒等等都得能说个大概。可能每个领域都说不深刻,但是,都不能一无所知,各个专业常用的词汇都得懂点儿,鬼知道游客下个问题会是什么。
