
发布时间:2024-05-30 16:32 发布:上海旅游网


The Bad (and the Good) Things About Jealousy

Jealousy is a very common problem in daily life. It’s a kind of“standard trouble”among people everywhere. As soon as there is someone doing better than we are, we get annoyed because we usually want ourselves to be No.1.
We may become jealous of a classmate’s new sneakers or of a best friend’s top marks in an exam, or of the girl in ballet class who is praised by the teacher all the time. We get annoyed because these good things are happening to someone else and not to us.
It’s a bad thing to feel jealousy and envy towards others. We should be satisfied with the things we have, but, somehow, we still wish we had the money of this person and the talent of that person. Instead of sharing their happiness, we just feel jealous and unhappy with ourselves. And, too often, these feelings are expressed by backbiting: saying bad things about the people we envy.
However, envy is also a kind of compliment to others. We see that other people have styles and talents different from our own. By comparing ourselves to others, it can show us what we lack. And we can turn this comparing, this envy of others, into a kind of power.
In a strange way, being a bit jealous of others lets us know what we like and what we want to be like. It can push us to become what we really want to be.


