星期天你和外国留学生Bill一起参观了北京的一些景点,以A Happy Day 为题写一篇80词短文

发布时间:2024-06-01 14:45 发布:上海旅游网


Time:8:00 a.m.-11:30 a.m. Places to visit: the Palace Museum Beihai Park What to do th-ere:look at old things and pictures walk arou-nd,feel its beauty and go boating on the lake Time:1:00p.m.-6:00p.m. Places to visit:Tian'amen Square Wangfujing Street Laoshe Tea House What to do there:see the Monuments to the People' Heroes and the People's Great Hall do some shopping have special Beijing tea and enjoy Beijing Opera


星期天你和外国留学生Bill一起参观了北京的一些景点,以A Happy Day 为题写一篇80词短文这个旅游问答期待您的解答,请登录账号或关注微信公众号回答这个问题。
