
发布时间:2024-06-01 16:54 发布:上海旅游网



China set up the banking commission in March as a Cabinet-level watchdog for an industry struggling to adapt to market demands after decades of functioning cash suppliers to some inefficient state-owned companies.

其中“for an industry struggling to adapt to market demands after decades of functioning cash suppliers to some inefficient state-owned companies.”是什么意思?句子结构大体是怎样的?

2. “nonperforming loans” 什么是“非履行的贷款”?另外还有意思?

3. Corporate governance and transparency 能否解释为“公司治理和透明化管理”?

4. Mobile phone, cellular phone and handset 这三个是否都是手机的意思?

5. 另外还有一篇是“Euro zone budget row could end up in court” 其中开头两段是这样的:

Euro zone finance minister freed themselves from the constraints of EU budget rules yesterday by suspending disciplinary action against Germany and France in defiance of an angry European Commission.

Berlin and Pairs will be asked for no more than a political commitment to cutting deficits that are set to break EU limits for the third year in a row in 2004,rather than being pushed along a disciplinary process whose ultimate sanction is a fine.



